Connect to Gainesville-Green from elsewhere
We've made some little helper items to get the gainesville-green home-report you're interested in from elsewhere on the web. We still only have the GRU service area, but if you are browsing Gainesville then we can help!
In the market for a new home? Zillow is a popular real estate site. Now when browsing there, you can quickly come back here to find out about the energy usage of an interesting home. As always, remember the energy usage is about the resident as well as the residence.
These will turn the property address at the top of the page into a link to GG.
- Zillow->GG Bookmarklet
- Zillow->GG Greasemonkey script
Alachua County Property Appraiser
Don't remember the address to a friend's house? Go look them up in the property appraiser's database and have it link back to the home-report here.
These will create a new link next to the parcel number in the search results and the parcel details pages.
- ALAProp->GG Bookmarklet
- ALAProp->GG Greasemonkey script
What is all this stuff?
A Bookmarklet is a tiny computer program that is saved in a bookmark in your browser. Save one of these as a bookmark (right click on it > "Add to Favorites" or "Bookmark this link") and then click it when you are on the target site.
To use the bookmarklet, simply click the bookmark when viewing the apropriate page. E.g. on the Alachua County Property Appraiser site when viewing the records for a parcel click the bookmarklet given above and it will create links on the page which will bring you to the correct home-report here on
Greasemonkey scripts
Greasemonkey scripts only work in Firefox and are similar to bookmarklet's except they run automatically, no need to click the bookmarklet.